Tuesday, February 21, 2012


A crane to lift the roof onto the house. 
Whoa be careful guy on the ladder. Every ones wearing their hard hats...check 
check. Need a bathroom break no problem even built a port-o-potty 


making a lego movie

click on the first photo to enlarge then continue to click on the picture very fast...it looks like the cars are moving.  I used a tripod and my mom Kandis camera. I took a picture then moved the car a little then took another picture. this is my first Lego film

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mario Kart K-nex


This is what I saw today at the store. I really want this! It is Knex and not Lego but Knex are fun too and they aren't as much money


At my house we have Friday night family night. My sister and I get to eat whatever we want we get to play wii on the big screen and watch a movie. One day we watched Ghostbusters I  made the ghostbuster w the glasses and the marshmallow man.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I like the new Alien Lego. I don't have many of it yet. Sometimes if I can't make all the pieces I want I draw pictures to help
This is my Hogwart's castle from Harry Potter and a train. This is the part of Harry Potter when the bad guy is makin Harry Potter fall off his broom and Hermione is trying to help him